package; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import*; import*; public class Stanik extends Module { private class InvalidUpdateAttributesMessage extends Exception { public InvalidUpdateAttributesMessage(String message) { super(message); } } private ZMI hierarchy; private HashMap> queries; private long freshnessPeriod; private Set contacts; private ValueTime contactsTimestamp; public Stanik(long freshnessPeriod) { super(ModuleType.STATE); hierarchy = new ZMI(); queries = new HashMap>(); hierarchy.getAttributes().add("timestamp", new ValueTime(0l)); this.freshnessPeriod = freshnessPeriod; this.contactsTimestamp = ValueUtils.currentTime(); this.contacts = new HashSet<>(); } public Stanik() { this(60 * 1000); } public void handleTyped(StanikMessage message) throws InterruptedException, InvalidMessageType { switch(message.getType()) { case GET_STATE: handleGetState((GetStateMessage) message); break; case REMOVE_ZMI: handleRemoveZMI((RemoveZMIMessage) message); break; case SET_ATTRIBUTE: handleSetAttribte((SetAttributeMessage) message); break; case UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES: handleUpdateAttributes((UpdateAttributesMessage) message); break; case UPDATE_QUERIES: handleUpdateQueries((UpdateQueriesMessage) message); break; case UPDATE_CONTACTS: handleUpdateContacts((UpdateContactsMessage) message); break; default: throw new InvalidMessageType("This type of message cannot be handled by Stanik" + message.getType().toString()); } } public void handleGetState(GetStateMessage message) throws InterruptedException { pruneHierarchy(); addLevels(); StateMessage response = new StateMessage( "", message.getRequestingModule(), 0, message.getRequestId(), hierarchy.clone(), (HashMap>) queries.clone(), contacts ); sendMessage(response); } private void pruneHierarchy() { ValueTime now = ValueUtils.currentTime(); pruneZMI(hierarchy, now); } private void addLevels() { addLevelsRecursive(hierarchy, 0); } private void addLevelsRecursive(ZMI zmi, long level) { zmi.getAttributes().addOrChange("level", new ValueInt(level)); for (ZMI son : zmi.getSons()) { addLevelsRecursive(son, level + 1); } } private boolean pruneZMI(ZMI zmi, ValueTime time) { Value timestamp = zmi.getAttributes().get("timestamp"); boolean isLeaf = zmi.getSons().isEmpty(); List sonsToRemove = new LinkedList(); if (ValueUtils.valueLower(timestamp, time.subtract(new ValueDuration(freshnessPeriod)))) { if (zmi.getFather() != null) { return true; } } else { for (ZMI son : zmi.getSons()) { if (pruneZMI(son, time)) { sonsToRemove.add(son); } } } for (ZMI son : sonsToRemove) { zmi.removeSon(son); } if (!isLeaf && zmi.getSons().isEmpty()) { return true; } return false; } public void handleRemoveZMI(RemoveZMIMessage message) { try { ZMI zmi = hierarchy.findDescendant(new PathName(message.getPathName())); if (ValueUtils.valueLower(zmi.getAttributes().getOrNull("timestamp"), message.getRemovalTimestamp())) { zmi.getFather().removeSon(zmi); } else { System.out.println("DEBUG: not removing zone with fresher timestamp than removal"); } } catch (ZMI.NoSuchZoneException e) { System.out.println("DEBUG: trying to remove zone that doesn't exist"); } } /* * Always adds the new attribute. * The zone must already exist. * The zone's timestamp will be the maximum of its current timestamp or the * timestamp provided with the new value. */ public void handleSetAttribte(SetAttributeMessage message) { try { PathName descendantPath = new PathName(message.getPathName()); if (!hierarchy.descendantExists(descendantPath)) { addMissingZones(descendantPath); } ZMI zmi = hierarchy.findDescendant(descendantPath); ValueTime updateTimestamp = message.getUpdateTimestamp(); ValueTime currentTimestamp = (ValueTime) zmi.getAttributes().getOrNull("timestamp"); if (ValueUtils.valueLower(currentTimestamp, updateTimestamp)) { zmi.getAttributes().addOrChange("timestamp", updateTimestamp); } zmi.getAttributes().addOrChange(message.getAttribute(), message.getValue()); } catch (ZMI.NoSuchZoneException e) { System.out.println("DEBUG: trying to set attribute in zone that doesn't exist"); } } public void handleUpdateAttributes(UpdateAttributesMessage message) { try { validateUpdateAttributesMessage(message); if (!ValueUtils.valueLower( message.getAttributes().get("timestamp"), new ValueTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - freshnessPeriod) )) { addMissingZones(new PathName(message.getPathName())); ZMI zone = hierarchy.findDescendant(message.getPathName()); AttributesMap attributes = zone.getAttributes(); if (ValueUtils.valueLower(attributes.get("timestamp"), message.getAttributes().get("timestamp"))) { AttributesUtil.transferAttributes(message.getAttributes(), attributes); } else { System.out.println("DEBUG: not applying update with older attributes"); } } else { System.out.println("DEBUG: not applying update with stale attributes"); } } catch (InvalidUpdateAttributesMessage e) { System.out.println("ERROR: invalid UpdateAttributesMessage " + e.getMessage()); } catch (ZMI.NoSuchZoneException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: zone should exist after being added"); } } public void handleUpdateQueries(UpdateQueriesMessage message) { for (Entry> entry : message.getQueries().entrySet()) { Attribute attribute = entry.getKey(); ValueTime timestamp = entry.getValue().getValue(); Entry currentTimestampedQuery = queries.get(attribute); if (currentTimestampedQuery == null || ValueUtils.valueLower(currentTimestampedQuery.getValue(), timestamp)) { queries.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } private void validateUpdateAttributesMessage(UpdateAttributesMessage message) throws InvalidUpdateAttributesMessage { validateZoneName(message); validateHasTimeStamp(message); } private void validateZoneName(UpdateAttributesMessage message) throws InvalidUpdateAttributesMessage { Value name = message.getAttributes().getOrNull("name"); if (message.getPathName().equals("/")) { if (name != null && !name.isNull()) { throw new InvalidUpdateAttributesMessage("The root zone should have a null name"); } } else { if (valueNonNullOfType(name, TypePrimitive.STRING)) { ValueString nameString = (ValueString) name; String expectedName = (new PathName(message.getPathName())).getSingletonName(); if (!nameString.getValue().equals(expectedName)) { throw new InvalidUpdateAttributesMessage("The zone's name attribute should match its path name"); } } else { throw new InvalidUpdateAttributesMessage("Zone attributes should have a name attribute of type String"); } } } private void validateHasTimeStamp(UpdateAttributesMessage message) throws InvalidUpdateAttributesMessage { if (!valueNonNullOfType(message.getAttributes().getOrNull("timestamp"), TypePrimitive.TIME)) { throw new InvalidUpdateAttributesMessage("Zone attriutes should have a timestamp attribute of type Time"); } } private boolean valueNonNullOfType(Value value, Type type) { return value != null && !value.isNull() && value.getType().isCompatible(type); } private void addMissingZones(PathName path) { try { if (!hierarchy.descendantExists(path)) { addMissingZones(path.levelUp()); ZMI parent = hierarchy.findDescendant(path.levelUp()); ZMI newSon = new ZMI(parent); newSon.getAttributes().add("name", new ValueString(path.getSingletonName())); newSon.getAttributes().add("timestamp", new ValueTime(0l)); parent.addSon(newSon); } } catch (ZMI.NoSuchZoneException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: zone should exist after being added"); } } public ZMI getHierarchy() { return hierarchy; } public HashMap> getQueries() { return queries; } private void handleUpdateContacts(UpdateContactsMessage message) { if (message.getContacts() != null && !message.getContacts().isEmpty() && ValueUtils.valueLower(contactsTimestamp, new ValueTime(message.getTimestamp()))) { this.contacts = message.getContacts(); } } }