package; import; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import; import*; import; import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry; import java.rmi.registry.Registry; import java.util.*; /** * APIs * / * /query - displays query submission form * /installQuery - posts query installation data * /uninstallQuery - posts query uninstallation data * /contacts - GET - displays contacts submission form * /contacts - POST - posts contacts installation data * /attribs - GET - displays attribute submission form * /attribs - POST - posts attribute submission data * /values - GET - displays attributes values * /zones - GET - displays zone change data * /zones - POST - posts zone change data * /attribNumValues - REST API to get numerical attribute values * /attribAllValues - REST API to get all attribute values */ @Controller public class ClientController { private Api api; private Map attributes; private String currentZoneName; private static final int MAX_ENTRIES = 10; ClientController() { try { String hostname = System.getProperty("agent_hostname"); Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(hostname); this.api = (Api) registry.lookup("Api"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } this.attributes = new LinkedHashMap() { protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) { return size() > MAX_ENTRIES; } }; // TODO set zone in config this.currentZoneName = "/uw/violet08"; fetchAttributeData(); // fetch attribute data as early as possible } @GetMapping("/") public String homePage(Model model) { model.addAttribute("homeMessage", "Welcome to CloudaAtlas client interface"); return "home"; } @GetMapping("/query") public String queryPage(Model model) { model.addAttribute("queryObject", new Query()); return "queryForm"; } @PostMapping("/installQuery") public String installQuery(@ModelAttribute Query queryObject, Model model) { boolean success = true; try { this.api.installQuery(queryObject.getName(), queryObject.getValue()); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (success) { model.addAttribute( "homeMessage", "Query installed successfully"); } else { model.addAttribute( "homeMessage", "Query submission failed with a remote exception"); } return "home"; } @PostMapping("/uninstallQuery") public String uninstallQuery(@ModelAttribute Query queryObject, Model model) { boolean success = true; try { this.api.uninstallQuery(queryObject.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (success) { model.addAttribute( "homeMessage", "Query uninstalled successfully"); } else { model.addAttribute( "homeMessage", "Query submission failed with a remote exception"); } return "home"; } @GetMapping("/contacts") public String contactPage(Model model) { model.addAttribute("contactsObject" , new DataStringInput()); return "contactsForm"; } private Set parseContactsString(DataStringInput contactsInput) throws Exception { Gson gson = new Gson(); Map contactStrings = gson.fromJson(contactsInput.getString(), Map.class); Set contactObjects = new HashSet(); ArrayList cAddr; byte[] inetArray = new byte[4]; for (Map.Entry cursor : contactStrings.entrySet()) { cAddr = cursor.getValue(); // gson always reads numerical values as doubles for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { inetArray[i] = (byte) cAddr.get(i).doubleValue(); } contactObjects.add(new ValueContact( new PathName(cursor.getKey()), InetAddress.getByAddress(inetArray)) ); } return contactObjects; } @PostMapping("/contacts") public String contactPage(@ModelAttribute DataStringInput contactsObject, Model model) { boolean success = true; Set contactObjects; try { contactObjects = parseContactsString(contactsObject); this.api.setFallbackContacts(contactObjects); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (success) { model.addAttribute("homeMessage", "Contact list submitted successfully"); } else { model.addAttribute("homeMessage", "Contact list submission failed"); } return "home"; } @GetMapping("/attribs") public String attribPage(Model model) { model.addAttribute("attributeObject", new AttributeInput()); return "attribForm"; } private List parseCollectionAttributeValue(List values, ArrayList types) throws Exception { List resultValue = new ArrayList(); String currentTypeString = types.get(1); AttributeInput attributeInput = new AttributeInput(); ArrayList newTypes = new ArrayList<>(types.subList(1, types.size())); Gson gson = new Gson(); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { if (currentTypeString.equals("List")) { resultValue.add(parseListAttributeValue((List) values.get(i), newTypes)); } else if (currentTypeString.equals("Set")) { resultValue.add(parseSetAttributeValue((List) values.get(i), newTypes)); } else { attributeInput.setAttributeType(currentTypeString); attributeInput.setValueString(gson.toJson(values.get(i))); resultValue.add(parseAttributeValue(attributeInput)); } } return resultValue; } private Value parseListAttributeValue(List values, ArrayList types) throws Exception { List listResultValue = parseCollectionAttributeValue(values, types); ArrayList resultValue = new ArrayList<>(listResultValue); return new ValueList(resultValue, resultValue.iterator().next().getType()); } private Value parseSetAttributeValue(List values, ArrayList types) throws Exception { List listResultValue = parseCollectionAttributeValue(values, types); HashSet resultValue = new HashSet<>(listResultValue); return new ValueSet(resultValue, resultValue.iterator().next().getType()); } private Long parseIntegerAsLong(String value) { Double doubleVal; try { doubleVal = Double.parseDouble(value); return doubleVal.longValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return Long.parseLong(value); } } private Value parseAttributeValue(AttributeInput attributeObject) throws Exception { Gson gson = new Gson(); Value attributeValue = null; switch (attributeObject.getAttributeType()) { case "Boolean": if (attributeObject.getValueString().toLowerCase().equals("true")) { attributeValue = new ValueBoolean(true); } else if (attributeObject.getValueString().toLowerCase().equals("false")) { attributeValue = new ValueBoolean(false); } else { String errMsg = "Incorrect boolean value: " + attributeObject.getValueString(); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(errMsg); } break; case "Double": attributeValue = new ValueDouble(Double.parseDouble(attributeObject.getValueString())); break; case "Int": attributeValue = new ValueInt(parseIntegerAsLong(attributeObject.getValueString())); break; case "String": attributeValue = new ValueString(attributeObject.getValueString()); break; case "Time": attributeValue = new ValueTime(parseIntegerAsLong(attributeObject.getValueString())); break; case "Duration": attributeValue = new ValueDuration(parseIntegerAsLong(attributeObject.getValueString())); break; case "Contact": DataStringInput contactsString = new DataStringInput(); contactsString.setString(attributeObject.getValueString()); attributeValue = parseContactsString(contactsString).iterator().next(); break; case "List": List parsedListValue = gson.fromJson(attributeObject.getValueString(), List.class); ArrayList parsedListTypes = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList( attributeObject.getAttributeComplexType().replaceAll("\\s","").split(","))); attributeValue = parseListAttributeValue(parsedListValue, parsedListTypes); break; case "Set": List parsedSetValue = gson.fromJson(attributeObject.getValueString(), List.class); ArrayList parsedSetTypes = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList( attributeObject.getAttributeComplexType(). replaceAll("\\s","").split(","))); attributeValue = parseSetAttributeValue(parsedSetValue, parsedSetTypes); break; default: String errMsg = "Value type not supported: " + attributeObject.getAttributeType(); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(errMsg); } return attributeValue; } @PostMapping("/attribs") public String attribPage(@ModelAttribute AttributeInput attributeObject, Model model) { boolean success = true; Value attributeValue; try { attributeValue = parseAttributeValue(attributeObject); api.setAttributeValue( attributeObject.getZoneName(), attributeObject.getAttributeName(), attributeValue); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (success) { model.addAttribute("homeMessage", "Attribute submitted successfully"); } else { model.addAttribute("homeMessage", "Attribute submission failed"); } return "home"; } private String getAvailableZonesString() { boolean success = true; Set availableZones; String availableZonesString = ""; try { availableZones = api.getZoneSet(); availableZonesString = availableZones.toString().substring(1, availableZones.toString().length() - 1); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (success) { return "Available zones are: " + availableZonesString; } else { return "No zones available, error occured during fetch"; } } @GetMapping("/values") public String valuesPage(Model model) { return "attribChart"; } @Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000) private void fetchAttributeData() { AttributesMap attribData; ValueTime currentTime; try { if (!this.currentZoneName.isEmpty()) { attribData = api.getZoneAttributeValues(this.currentZoneName); currentTime = new ValueTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); this.attributes.put(currentTime, attribData); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } private ArrayList getAllAttributeValues(AttributesMap attribs, Boolean justNumerical) { ArrayList valuesList = new ArrayList<>(); Value val; for (Map.Entry entry : attribs) { val = entry.getValue(); // casting to ValueDouble and ValueInt caused some errors // and gson turns all numerical values into doubles anyway if (justNumerical && isValueNumerical(val)) { valuesList.add(Double.parseDouble(val.toString())); } else if (!justNumerical) { valuesList.add(val.toString()); } } return valuesList; } private boolean isValueNumerical(Value val) { Type valType = val.getType(); if (TypePrimitive.DOUBLE.isCompatible(valType) || TypePrimitive.INTEGER.isCompatible(valType)) { return true; } else { return false; } } private AttributesMap getLastAttributesMap() { ArrayList> attribsMap = new ArrayList<>(this.attributes.entrySet()); return attribsMap.get(attribsMap.size() - 1).getValue(); } private ArrayList getAttributesColumnNames(Boolean justNumerical) { ArrayList chartValueNames = new ArrayList<>(); AttributesMap lastAttribMap = getLastAttributesMap(); for (Map.Entry e : lastAttribMap) { if (!justNumerical || isValueNumerical(e.getValue())) { chartValueNames.add(e.getKey().getName()); } } chartValueNames.add(0, "Timestamp"); return chartValueNames; } // data format compatible with Google Charts Table and Google Line Chart input // but it's a generic 2d array table representation // private ArrayList getValuesTable(Boolean justNumerical) { ArrayList valueRow; ArrayList allValues = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList valueNames = getAttributesColumnNames(justNumerical); for (Map.Entry attribMapEntry : this.attributes.entrySet()) { valueRow = getAllAttributeValues(attribMapEntry.getValue(), justNumerical); while (valueRow.size() < valueNames.size() - 1) { valueRow.add(null); } valueRow.add(0, attribMapEntry.getKey().toString().substring(11, 19)); allValues.add(valueRow); } // optional trimming of table length // if (allValues.size() > 10) { // allValues = new ArrayList(allValues.subList(allValues.size() - 11, allValues.size() - 1)); // } allValues.add(0, valueNames); return allValues; } private String processAttribValues(ArrayList valuesTable) { String jsonAttributes = ""; Gson gson = new Gson(); jsonAttributes = gson.toJson(valuesTable); // System.out.println(jsonAttributes); return jsonAttributes; } @GetMapping("/attribNumValues") @ResponseBody public String attribNumValuesApi() { return processAttribValues(getValuesTable(true)); } @GetMapping("/attribAllValues") @ResponseBody public String attribAllValuesApi() { return processAttribValues(getValuesTable(false)); } @GetMapping("/zones") public String zonesGetPage(Model model) { model.addAttribute("availableZones", getAvailableZonesString()); model.addAttribute("currentZone", "Current zone: " + this.currentZoneName); model.addAttribute("zoneName", new DataStringInput()); return "zoneForm"; } // TODO available zones dont work when our zone changed @PostMapping("/zones") public String zonesPostPage(@ModelAttribute DataStringInput zoneName, Model model) { this.currentZoneName = zoneName.getString(); this.attributes.clear(); model.addAttribute("currentZone", "Current zone: " + this.currentZoneName); model.addAttribute("availableZones", getAvailableZonesString()); model.addAttribute("zoneName", new DataStringInput()); return "zoneForm"; } }