package; import; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import; import*; import; import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry; import java.rmi.registry.Registry; import java.util.*; /* should enable reading attribute values stored by the agent installing and uninstalling queries, and setting fallback contacts. Apart from providing forms for queries and fallback contacts, and presenting the information fetched from the agent in a textual form (with automatic refreshment), plotting the attributes with numeric values as real-time graphs. */ @Controller public class ClientController { private Api api; private Map attributes; private String currentZoneName; private static final int MAX_ENTRIES = 10; ClientController() { try { Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry("localhost"); this.api = (Api) registry.lookup("Api"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } this.attributes = new LinkedHashMap() { protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) { return size() > MAX_ENTRIES; } }; this.currentZoneName = "/uw/violet07"; } @GetMapping("/") public String homePage(Model model) { model.addAttribute("homeMessage", "Welcome to CloudaAtlas client interface"); return "home"; } @GetMapping("/query") public String queryPage(Model model) { model.addAttribute("queryObject", new Query()); return "queryForm"; } @PostMapping("/installQuery") public String installQuery(@ModelAttribute Query queryObject, Model model) { boolean success = true; try { this.api.installQuery(queryObject.getName(), queryObject.getValue()); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (success) { model.addAttribute( "homeMessage", "Query installed successfully"); } else { model.addAttribute( "homeMessage", "Query submission failed with a remote exception"); } return "home"; } @PostMapping("/uninstallQuery") public String uninstallQuery(@ModelAttribute Query queryObject, Model model) { boolean success = true; try { this.api.uninstallQuery(queryObject.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (success) { model.addAttribute( "homeMessage", "Query uninstalled successfully"); } else { model.addAttribute( "homeMessage", "Query submission failed with a remote exception"); } return "home"; } @GetMapping("/contacts") public String contactPage(Model model) { model.addAttribute("contactsObject" , new DataStringInput()); return "contactsForm"; } private Set parseContactsString(DataStringInput contactsInput) throws Exception { Gson gson = new Gson(); Map contactStrings = gson.fromJson(contactsInput.getString(), Map.class); Set contactObjects = new HashSet(); ArrayList cAddr; byte[] inetArray = new byte[4]; for (Map.Entry cursor : contactStrings.entrySet()) { cAddr = cursor.getValue(); // gson always reads numerical values as doubles for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { inetArray[i] = (byte) cAddr.get(i).doubleValue(); } contactObjects.add(new ValueContact( new PathName(cursor.getKey()), InetAddress.getByAddress(inetArray)) ); } return contactObjects; } @PostMapping("/contacts") public String contactPage(@ModelAttribute DataStringInput contactsObject, Model model) { boolean success = true; Set contactObjects; try { contactObjects = parseContactsString(contactsObject); this.api.setFallbackContacts(contactObjects); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (success) { model.addAttribute("homeMessage", "Contact list submitted successfully"); } else { model.addAttribute("homeMessage", "Contact list submission failed"); } return "home"; } @GetMapping("/attribs") public String attribPage(Model model) { model.addAttribute("attributeObject", new AttributeInput()); return "attribForm"; } private List parseCollectionAttributeValue(List values, ArrayList types) throws Exception { List resultValue = new ArrayList(); String currentTypeString = types.get(1); AttributeInput attributeInput = new AttributeInput(); ArrayList newTypes = new ArrayList<>(types.subList(1, types.size())); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { if (currentTypeString.equals("List")) { resultValue.add(parseListAttributeValue((List) values.get(i), newTypes)); } else if (currentTypeString.equals("Set")) { resultValue.add(parseSetAttributeValue((List) values.get(i), newTypes)); } else { attributeInput.setAttributeType(currentTypeString); attributeInput.setValueString(values.get(i).toString()); resultValue.add(parseAttributeValue(attributeInput)); } } return resultValue; } private Value parseListAttributeValue(List values, ArrayList types) throws Exception { List listResultValue = parseCollectionAttributeValue(values, types); ArrayList resultValue = new ArrayList<>(listResultValue); return new ValueList(resultValue, resultValue.iterator().next().getType()); } private Value parseSetAttributeValue(List values, ArrayList types) throws Exception { List listResultValue = parseCollectionAttributeValue(values, types); HashSet resultValue = new HashSet<>(listResultValue); return new ValueSet(resultValue, resultValue.iterator().next().getType()); } private Value parseAttributeValue(AttributeInput attributeObject) throws Exception { Gson gson = new Gson(); Value attributeValue = null; switch (attributeObject.getAttributeType()) { case "Boolean": attributeValue = attributeObject.getValueString().toLowerCase().equals("true") ? new ValueBoolean(true) : new ValueBoolean(false); break; case "Double": attributeValue = new ValueDouble(Double.parseDouble(attributeObject.getValueString())); break; case "Int": Double tempDouble = Double.parseDouble(attributeObject.getValueString()); attributeValue = new ValueInt(tempDouble.longValue()); break; case "String": attributeValue = new ValueString(attributeObject.getValueString()); break; case "Time": attributeValue = new ValueTime(Long.parseLong(attributeObject.getValueString())); break; case "Duration": attributeValue = new ValueDuration(attributeObject.getValueString()); break; case "Contact": DataStringInput contactsString = new DataStringInput(); contactsString.setString(attributeObject.getValueString()); attributeValue = parseContactsString(contactsString).iterator().next(); break; case "Query": Map parsedQuery = gson.fromJson(attributeObject.getValueString(), Map.class); attributeValue = new ValueQuery(attributeObject.getValueString()); break; case "List": List parsedListValue = gson.fromJson(attributeObject.getValueString(), List.class); ArrayList parsedListTypes = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList( attributeObject.getAttributeComplexType().replaceAll("\\s","").split(","))); attributeValue = parseListAttributeValue(parsedListValue, parsedListTypes); break; case "Set": List parsedSetValue = gson.fromJson(attributeObject.getValueString(), List.class); ArrayList parsedSetTypes = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList( attributeObject.getAttributeComplexType(). replaceAll("\\s","").split(","))); attributeValue = parseSetAttributeValue(parsedSetValue, parsedSetTypes); break; default: String errMsg = "Value type not supported: " + attributeObject.getAttributeType(); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(errMsg); } return attributeValue; } @PostMapping("/attribs") public String attribPage(@ModelAttribute AttributeInput attributeObject, Model model) { boolean success = true; Value attributeValue; try { attributeValue = parseAttributeValue(attributeObject); api.setAttributeValue( attributeObject.getZoneName(), attributeObject.getAttributeName(), attributeValue); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (success) { model.addAttribute("homeMessage", "Attribute submitted successfully"); } else { model.addAttribute("homeMessage", "Attribute submission failed"); } return "home"; } private String getAvailableZonesString() { boolean success = true; Set availableZones; String availableZonesString = ""; try { availableZones = api.getZoneSet(); availableZonesString = availableZones.toString().substring(1, availableZones.toString().length() - 1); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (success) { return "Available zones are: " + availableZonesString; } else { return "No zones available, error occured during fetch"; } } @GetMapping("/values") public String valuesPage(Model model) { model.addAttribute("availableZones", getAvailableZonesString()); model.addAttribute("currentZone", "Current zone: " + this.currentZoneName); model.addAttribute("zoneName", new DataStringInput()); return "attribChart"; } @Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000) private void fetchAttributeData() { AttributesMap attribData; ValueTime currentTime; try { if (!this.currentZoneName.isEmpty()) { attribData = api.getZoneAttributeValues(this.currentZoneName); currentTime = new ValueTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); this.attributes.put(currentTime, attribData); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Client exception:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } private ArrayList getAllAttributeValues(AttributesMap attribs, Boolean justNumerical) { ArrayList valuesList = new ArrayList<>(); Value val; for (Map.Entry entry : attribs) { val = entry.getValue(); // casting to ValueDouble and ValueInt caused some errors // and gson turns all numerical values into doubles anyway if (justNumerical && isValueNumerical(val)) { valuesList.add(Double.parseDouble(val.toString())); } else if (!justNumerical) { valuesList.add(val.toString()); } } return valuesList; } private boolean isValueNumerical(Value val) { Type valType = val.getType(); if (TypePrimitive.DOUBLE.isCompatible(valType) || TypePrimitive.INTEGER.isCompatible(valType)) { return true; } else { return false; } } private AttributesMap getLastAttributesMap() { ArrayList> attribsMap = new ArrayList<>(this.attributes.entrySet()); return attribsMap.get(attribsMap.size() - 1).getValue(); } private ArrayList getAttributesColumnNames(Boolean justNumerical) { ArrayList chartValueNames = new ArrayList<>(); AttributesMap lastAttribMap = getLastAttributesMap(); for (Map.Entry e : lastAttribMap) { if (!justNumerical || isValueNumerical(e.getValue())) { chartValueNames.add(e.getKey().getName()); } } chartValueNames.add(0, "Timestamp"); return chartValueNames; } // data format compatible with Google Charts Table and Google Line Chart input // but it's a generic 2d array table representation // private ArrayList getValuesTable(Boolean justNumerical) { ArrayList valueRow; ArrayList allValues = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList valueNames = getAttributesColumnNames(justNumerical); for (Map.Entry attribMapEntry : this.attributes.entrySet()) { valueRow = getAllAttributeValues(attribMapEntry.getValue(), justNumerical); while (valueRow.size() < valueNames.size() - 1) { valueRow.add(null); } valueRow.add(0, attribMapEntry.getKey().toString().substring(11, 19)); allValues.add(valueRow); } // optional trimming of table length // if (allValues.size() > 10) { // allValues = new ArrayList(allValues.subList(allValues.size() - 11, allValues.size() - 1)); // } allValues.add(0, valueNames); return allValues; } private String processAttribValues(ArrayList valuesTable) { String jsonAttributes = ""; Gson gson = new Gson(); jsonAttributes = gson.toJson(valuesTable); // System.out.println(jsonAttributes); return jsonAttributes; } @GetMapping("/attribNumValues") @ResponseBody public String attribNumValuesApi() { return processAttribValues(getValuesTable(true)); } @GetMapping("/attribAllValues") @ResponseBody public String attribAllValuesApi() { return processAttribValues(getValuesTable(false)); } @PostMapping("/values") public String valuesPage(@ModelAttribute DataStringInput zoneName, Model model) { this.currentZoneName = zoneName.getString(); this.attributes.clear(); model.addAttribute("currentZone", "Current zone: " + this.currentZoneName); model.addAttribute("availableZones", getAvailableZonesString()); model.addAttribute("zoneName", new DataStringInput()); return "attribChart"; } }