import json import sys import time import psutil import platform import socket import configparser import statistics import urllib.request # Pipe pipe = None # Attribute params initial_delay = 0 collection_interval = 1 averaging_period = 1 averaging_method = "" """ Attributes the average CPU load (over all cores) as cpu_load the free disk space (in bytes) as free_disk the total disk space (in bytes) as total_disk the free RAM (in bytes) as free_ram the total RAM (in bytes) as total_ram the free swap (in bytes) as free_swap the total swap (in bytes) as total_swap the number of active processes as num_processes the number of CPU cores as num_cores the kernel version as kernel_ver the number of users logged in as logged_users a set of up to three DNS names of the machine dns_names """ def get_avg_load(): load_percentages = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=averaging_period, percpu=True) if averaging_method == "arithmetic": return statistics.mean(load_percentages) elif averaging_method == "geometric": return statistics.geometric_mean(load_percentages) elif averaging_method == "harmonic": return statistics.harmonic_mean(load_percentages) elif averaging_method == "median": return statistics.median(load_percentages) else: raise RuntimeError("Avg CPU load error") def get_data(): avg_load = get_avg_load() free_disk = psutil.disk_usage("/").free total_disk = psutil.disk_usage("/").total free_ram = psutil.virtual_memory().available total_ram = psutil.virtual_memory().total free_swap = psutil.swap_memory().free total_swap = psutil.swap_memory().total num_processes = len(psutil.pids()) num_cores = psutil.cpu_count(False) kernel_ver = platform.release() logged_users = len(psutil.users()) dns_names = [] try: external_ip = urllib.request.urlopen('').read().decode('utf8') hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(external_ip) dns_names = ([hostname[0]] + hostname[1])[:3] except Exception as e: pass sys.stdout.write("[{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}]\n".format( avg_load, free_disk, total_disk, free_ram, total_ram, free_swap, total_swap, num_processes, num_cores, kernel_ver, logged_users, json.dumps(dns_names)) ) sys.stdout.flush() def check_averaging_method(averaging_method): averaging_methods = ["arithmetic", "geometric", "harmonic", "mean"] return averaging_method and averaging_method in averaging_methods def read_config(): global initial_delay global collection_interval global averaging_period global averaging_method config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: # check if running from source code dir"config.ini") except KeyError: pass else: # we assume that it's running as subprocess from # we assume working dir to be CloudAtlas root # because gradle seems to put it this way"src/main/resources/pl/edu/mimuw/cloudatlas/fetcher/config.ini") initial_delay = int(config["AttributeParams"]["initialDelay"]) collection_interval = int(config["AttributeParams"]["collectionInterval"]) averaging_period = int(config["AttributeParams"]["averagingPeriod"]) averaging_method = config["AttributeParams"]["averagingMethod"] if not check_averaging_method(averaging_method): raise ValueError("Incorrect averaging method") elif collection_interval < averaging_period: raise ValueError("Collection interval smaller than averaging period") if __name__ == '__main__': read_config() time.sleep(initial_delay) while True: get_data() time.sleep(collection_interval - averaging_period)