# Markdown/Pandoc tricks ## Math $\text{\LaTeX}$ \begin{equation} \mathbb{N} \ni 2 + 2 = 2^2 \end{equation} ## Links ### Named links [This][link name] is a link. [Link name][] is the link's name. [link name]: (link title) ### Automatic links ## Presentations pandoc in.md -t beamer -o out.pdf pandoc in.md -t beamer -o out.pdf -i # incremental lists pandoc in.md -t beamer --slide-level 2 -o out.pdf # # - section, ## - slide ### Markdown details * `#` is a new slide with heading * Metadata to generate title page, select theme, etc.: --- title: - Title subtitle: - Subtitle author: - Author Name - Another Author theme: - Copenhagen toc: true ---