# Vim tricks ## vimgrep Search through all files in a directory :vimgrep /pattern/ **/* Open window with all instances: :copen ## Settings ic - ignore case in searches ## readline vi keybindings in various `readline` and similar CLIs: # ~/.inputrc set editing-mode vi # ~/.editrc bind -v # ~/.haskeline editMode: Vi ## Navigating help | prefix | example | context | | ------ | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | | `:` | `:h :r` | ex command (command starting with a colon) | | `none` | `:h r` | normal mode | | `v_` | `:h v_r` | visual mode | | `i_` | `:h i_CTRL-W` | insert mode | | `c_` | `:h c_CTRL-R` | ex command line | | `/` | `:h /\r` | search pattern (in this case, `:h \r` also works | | `'` | `:h 'ro'` | option | | `-` | `:h -r` | Vim argument (starting Vim) | ## Registers : is the "last command" register. @: reruns the last command. ## Marks mA - capital letters are global, will jump to file `a - jumps to line and column of mark, not just line ## v/V/ as operators Most commands act line-wise (d2j deletes two lines). v makes things character-wise, makes them block-wise. ## Ranges g/regex/command # executes command on each line matching regex v/regex/command # executes command on each line not matching regex ## Ex commands :norm abc # runs the keys abc on each line in range :g/abc/norm dt; # deletes until semicolon on each line with "abc" :co # copies range to location (can be ., +n, 'a) :mv # same but moves :s/pattern/thing/c # replace, prompting at each replacement ## Visual mode gv - selects the previous visual g - increment/decrement by 1 more on each selected line 0 1 1 0 -> 1 g -> 2 0 1 3 ## Using vim as a hex editor? :%!xxd :%!xxd -r ## Spellcheck :setlocal spell spelllang=en_us [/]s - previous/next marked word [/]S - previous/next bad word z= - replacement suggestions ## Splits * number before split shortcut - height of old window Set window height/width (defaults to max): [n]^W _ [n]^W | Equalize window heights/widths: ^W = Close window: ^W c ## Movements % - goes to matching bracket ## Time travel :earlier 5m :later 10m