const { d } = require('../src/dice.js') const defaultNumberRolls = 500 expect.extend({ toBeOnAverage(received, expected, margin = 0.5) { const average = received.reduce(plus) / received.length const pass = average > expected - margin && average < expected + margin return { pass, message: () => ( `expected average to${pass ? ' not ' : ' '}be around ${expected} (margin: ${margin}), got ${average}` ) } }, toBeBetween(received, low, high) { const pass = received.reduce((allOk, value) => { return allOk && value >= low && value <= high }, true) return { pass, message: () => ( `expected all to${pass ? ' not ' : ' '}be between ${low} and ${high}` ) } }, toAllBe(received, expected) { const pass = received.reduce((allOk, value) => { return allOk && value === expected }) return { pass, message: () => ( `expected all to${pass ? ' not ' : ' '}be equal to ${expected}` ) } }, toHaveVariance(received, expected, margin = 0.5) { const average = received.reduce(plus) / received.length const variance = => (Math.pow(value - average, 2))) .reduce(plus) / (received.length - 1) const pass = variance > expected - margin && variance < expected + margin return { pass, message: () => ( `expected variance to${pass ? ' not ' : ' '}be around ${expected} (margin: ${margin}), got ${variance}` ) } } }) const plus = (a, b) => a + b const rollForTest = (die, numberRolls) => { let pools = [] let rolls = [] for (let i = 0; i < numberRolls; i++) { let rolled = die() pools.push(rolled) rolls.push(rolled.reduce(plus)) } return { pools, rolls } } const testDie = (die, testSpecs, numberRolls = defaultNumberRolls) => { let { pools, rolls } = rollForTest(die, numberRolls) if ('diceCount' in testSpecs) { it(`rolls ${testSpecs.diceCount} dice`, () => { expect( => (pool.length))).toAllBe(testSpecs.diceCount) }) } if ('average' in testSpecs) { let { average, margin } = testSpecs.average it(`has an expected value of ${average}`, () => { expect(rolls).toBeOnAverage(average, margin) }) } if ('variance' in testSpecs) { let { variance, margin } = testSpecs.variance it(`has a variance of ${variance}`, () => { expect(rolls).toHaveVariance(variance, margin) }) } if ('bounds' in testSpecs) { let { low, high, expectExtrema } = testSpecs.bounds it(`rolls between ${low} and ${high}`, () => { expect(rolls).toBeBetween(low, high) }) if (expectExtrema) { it('attains its minimum', () => { expect(rolls).toContain(low) }) it('attains its maximum', () => { expect(rolls).toContain(high) }) } } } const basicDieTestSpecs = (number, sides) => { return { diceCount: number, average: { average: (number * (sides + 1)) / 2 }, variance: { variance: (number * (sides * sides - 1)) / 12 }, bounds: { low: number, high: number * sides, expectExtrema: true } } } } } const describeBasicDie = (number, sides, numberRolls = defaultNumberRolls) => { describe(`${number}d${sides}`, () => { const die = d(number, sides) testDie(die, basicDieTestSpecs(number, sides), numberRolls) }) } describe('basic dice', () => { describeBasicDie(1, 6) describeBasicDie(2, 8, 500) describeBasicDie(20, 1) })