const { lex } = require('../src/lexer.js') describe('lex', () => { it('lexes the empty string', () => { expect(lex('')).toEqual([]) }) it('throws on unexpected input', () => { expect(() => { lex('q') }).toThrow(/Syntax error/) }) it('throws on unexpected input at the end', () => { expect(() => { lex('1d6`') }).toThrow(/Syntax error/) }) it('throws on unexpected input in the middle', () => { expect(() => { lex('2d3 + b3d4') }).toThrow(/Syntax error/) }) describe('throws on unexpected whitespace', () => { it('2 d 4', () => { expect(() => { lex('2 d 4') }).toThrow(/Syntax error/) }) it(' 1d8', () => { expect(() => { lex(' 1d8') }).toThrow(/Syntax error/) }) it('3d4 ', () => { expect(() => { lex('3d4 ') }).toThrow(/Syntax error/) }) }) describe('lexes basic dice', () => { it('1d6', () => { expect(lex('1d6')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 } ]) }) it('42d172', () => { expect(lex('42d172')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 42 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 172 } ]) }) }) describe('lexes addition', () => { it('1d6 + 1d4', () => { expect(lex('1d6 + 1d4')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 }, { type: 'bigPlus' }, { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 4 } ]) }) it('2d17 + 4', () => { expect(lex('2d17 + 4')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 2 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 17 }, { type: 'bigPlus' }, { type: 'constant', value: 4 } ]) }) }) describe('lexes subtraction', () => { it('1d6 - 1d4', () => { expect(lex('1d6 - 1d4')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 }, { type: 'bigMinus' }, { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 4 } ]) }) it('2d17 - 4', () => { expect(lex('2d17 - 4')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 2 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 17 }, { type: 'bigMinus' }, { type: 'constant', value: 4 } ]) }) }) describe('lexes multiplication', () => { it('1d6 * 1d4', () => { expect(lex('1d6 * 1d4')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 }, { type: 'bigTimes' }, { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 4 } ]) }) it('2d17 * 4', () => { expect(lex('2d17 * 4')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 2 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 17 }, { type: 'bigTimes' }, { type: 'constant', value: 4 } ]) }) }) describe('lexes division', () => { it('1d6 / 1d4', () => { expect(lex('1d6 / 1d4')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 }, { type: 'bigDivide' }, { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 4 } ]) }) it('2d17 / 4', () => { expect(lex('2d17 / 4')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 2 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 17 }, { type: 'bigDivide' }, { type: 'constant', value: 4 } ]) }) }) describe('lexes parentheses', () => { it('(1d6)d6', () => { expect(lex('(1d6)d6')).toEqual([ { type: '(' }, { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 }, { type: ')' }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 } ]) }) it('2d(6 + 3)d4', () => { expect(lex('2d(6 + 3)d4')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 2 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: '(' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 }, { type: 'bigPlus' }, { type: 'constant', value: 3 }, { type: ')' }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 4 } ]) }) }) describe('lexes negatives', () => { it('-(1d6)', () => { expect(lex('-(1d6)')).toEqual([ { type: 'minus' }, { type: '(' }, { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 }, { type: ')' } ]) }) }) describe('exploding dice', () => { test('1E1d6', () => { expect(lex('1E1d6')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'E' }, { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 } ]) }) test('1e1d6', () => { expect(lex('1e1d6')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'e' }, { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 } ]) }) }) describe('keep', () => { test('1K2d20', () => { expect(lex('1K2d20')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'K' }, { type: 'constant', value: 2 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 20 } ]) }) test('1k2d20', () => { expect(lex('1k2d20')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'k' }, { type: 'constant', value: 2 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 20 } ]) }) }) describe('bonusAdd', () => { test('3d4+1', () => { expect(lex('3d4+1')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 3 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 4 }, { type: 'plus' }, { type: 'constant', value: 1 } ]) }) }) describe('again', () => { test('6A3d6', () => { expect(lex('6A3d6')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 6 }, { type: 'A' }, { type: 'constant', value: 3 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 } ]) }) test('6a3d6', () => { expect(lex('6a3d6')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 6 }, { type: 'a' }, { type: 'constant', value: 3 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 } ]) }) }) describe('threshold', () => { test('8T3d10', () => { expect(lex('8T3d10')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 8 }, { type: 'T' }, { type: 'constant', value: 3 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 10 } ]) }) test('8t3d10', () => { expect(lex('8t3d10')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 8 }, { type: 't' }, { type: 'constant', value: 3 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 10 } ]) }) }) describe('repeat', () => { test('1d6 x 3', () => { expect(lex('1d6 x 3')).toEqual([ { type: 'constant', value: 1 }, { type: 'd' }, { type: 'constant', value: 6 }, { type: ' x ' }, { type: 'constant', value: 3 } ]) }) }) })