require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra/cookies' require './hex_engine' def secret ENV['HEX_SECRET'] || 'tajny_token_hehe' end get '/' do <<~MSG Welcome to Hex Curler! ====================== This game is based on Jeff Moore's Hex ( Source code: How to Play =========== If you're not using it already, run this line of bash to start playing: c=; while clear; curl -c k -b k localhost:4567/$c; read c; [ $c ]; do :; done You're about to start crawling through a dungeon, fighting monsters and finding treasure. Your character has three attributes: - Health - Endurance - eXperience After each move you'll be presented with a menu of options that could look something like this: >[r]un away >[f]ight (-1 H, -1 E, 1 X) Select a move by typing the highlighted letter and hitting enter (e.g. type r if you want to [r]un away like a wuss). Numbers in parentheses tell you how your attributes will be affected by taking a given action. To restart the game, run `rm k` to remove the cookie that stores your game state. >[c]ontinue MSG end get '/:command' do |command| engine = cookies.to_h engine.step command engine.state_h.each_pair do |key, value| cookies[key] = value end engine.message end