#!/bin/env ruby require "date" THOUGHTS_DIR = "vultr:/srv/thoughts" today = Date::today # .wday returns 0 for Sunday. # If today is Sunday, we want to put today's thoughts in next Sunday's file so # today's Sunday Corner doesn't change mid-day. days_till_next_sunday = 7 - today.wday next_sunday = today + days_till_next_sunday remote_file = "#{THOUGHTS_DIR}/#{next_sunday}" local_file = "/tmp/sunday-thoughts-#{next_sunday}" system "touch #{local_file}" system "scp #{remote_file} #{local_file}" system "$VISUAL #{local_file}" # Note that if this scp fails and you rerun the script, the first scp above (if # it succeeds) will overwrite your current local file. system "scp #{local_file} #{remote_file}"