class NotImplemented < Exception end class Recording def render raise NotImplemented end end class YouTubeRecording attr_accessor :vid def initialize link @vid = parse_vid link end def parse_id link /\?v=(.{11})/.match(link)[1] end # Timecodes in links have to be specified in seconds (the "start" query for # embeds doesn't understand "XmYs" like "t" on regular links). def parse_timequery link match = /&t=([0-9]+)/.match(link) match ? "?start=#{match[1]}" : "" end def parse_vid link id = parse_id link timequery = parse_timequery link "#{id}#{timequery}" end def render template ='templates/youtube.html.erb'), trim_mode: '-') template.result binding end end class BandcampRecording attr_accessor :embed def initialize _embed @embed = _embed end def render @embed end end class SoundCloudRecording attr_accessor :embed def initialize _embed @embed = _embed end def render @embed end end