cheatsheetsCommandline and Linux cheatsheets 2 months
tuturutuA sonbgook of traditional Polish music 3 months
scriptsSome scripts I use. 6 months
websiteContents of and source code for building m-chrzan.xyz 6 months
certora-vimVim syntax highlighting for Certora 3 years
sundayA CGI script for ephemeral musings 3 years
hex-curlerA minimal webgame to play with curl 3 years
dicebagA dice expression parser and roller 3 years
aoc2020Solutions to Advent of Code 2020 3 years
mmmMinimal mail manager for mbsync, mutt, msmtp 3 years
password-storeFork of https://git.zx2c4.com/password-store/about/ with support for pass-otp in...2 years
mgrMaster's thesis LaTeX sources 19 months
gsn3Task 3 for Deep Neural Networks course @ MIMUW 3 years
gsn1Task 1 for Deep Neural Networks course @ MIMUW 3 years
CloudAtlasDistributed system for course @ MIMUW3 years
harddoomDevice driver for a virtualized Doom graphics accelerator3 years
schmimInterpreter for a simple typed lisp3 years
brandesA parallel implementation of Brandes' algorithm for betweenness centrality 3 years