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authorMarcin Chrzanowski <mc370754@students.mimuw.edu.pl>2021-10-07 13:33:08 +0200
committerMarcin Chrzanowski <mc370754@students.mimuw.edu.pl>2021-10-07 13:33:08 +0200
commit0acf29d29a54dcf9f927bd806c2bef128bb66cbb (patch)
parentad3d0652ac9f802af7768c9c32f3c3bfe49f32c3 (diff)
Elaborate on regular infix algorithm
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/mgr.tex b/mgr.tex
index 6f6a55e..cfb7058 100644
--- a/mgr.tex
+++ b/mgr.tex
@@ -267,26 +267,32 @@ construction as we will be generalizing its internals for the tree case in
Chapter \ref{branchinfix}.
We begin by replacing each letter of $w$ with the set of states of $A$, $Q$.
+More precisely, we will be working with a graph whose vertex set is $\{1,
+\ldots, |w|\} \times Q$. We will refer to a vertex in the $i$th copy of $Q$
+labeled with state $q$ as $i.q$.
Since $A$ is deterministic, each letter $a \in \Sigma$ can be seen as a function
$a : Q \to Q$, and we draw these functions as directed edges between successive
-copies of $Q$. For example, if $A$ in state $q$, reading $a$, would move to
-state $q'$, then, for any copy of $Q$ corresponding to an instance of $a$ in the
-original word, there will be an edge from $q$ there to $q'$ in the successive
-copy of $Q$.
+copies of $Q$. For example, suppose the $i$th letter of $w$ is $a$. If $A$ in
+state $q$, reading $a$, would move to state $q'$, then there will be an edge
+from $i.q$ to $(i+1).q'$.
+Note that by determinism, each vertex has exactly one outgoing edge (except for
+vertices in the last copy of $Q$ which have no outgoing edges).
Now we will color the vertices of the graph we just constructed with the colors
$1, 2, \ldots, |Q|$ in such a way that
\item every copy of $Q$ has one vertex of each of the $|Q|$ colors;
- \item when a vertex of color $i$ has an edge to a vertex of color $j$ in a
- successive copy of $Q$, then $i \geq j$.
+ \item when $i.q$ has color $c$ and there is an edge to $(i+1).q'$, which is
+ colored with color $c'$, then $c \geq c'$.
The second point basically means that we will be trying to draw single-color
paths, but when paths need to join, it is the higher-colored path that gets cut
+off (think of the colors as priorities, with lower numbers representing more
+important priorities).
The construction is as follows:
@@ -304,9 +310,15 @@ The construction is as follows:
\item Repeat steps 3.-5. for each successive color up to $|Q|$.
-Additionally, for each vertex $v$, we store the index of the next copy of $Q$ in
+Additionally, for each vertex $i.q$, we store the index of the next copy of $Q$ in
which the path of this vertex's color is broken by a lower color. Put this
-information in table \breaktable.
+information in table \breaktable. For example, if $i.q$ is colored with color
+$c$, and when following the deterministic path from $i.q$, all encountered
+vertices are colored $c$ until $j.q'$ which is colored $c'$, then we set
+$\breaktable[i.q] = j - 1$.
+We can compute \breaktable\ in linear time with a single backwards pass through
+the colored graph.
To handle the query ``does $w[i, j] \in L$'', we look at vertex $v$, which is
the vertex of $A$'s initial state in the $i$th copy of $Q$ and note its color