path: root/src/blog/advent-of-code-2020.html
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-title: Advent of Code 2020
-date: December 25, 2020 17:35
-<p> Merry Christmas to all!</p>
-<a href='https://adventofcode.com/2020'>Advent of Code 2020</a> has come to an
-end. At the time of this writing, around seven thousand people finished the
-whole thing, out of the 150000 that had submitted a solution to the first day's
-problem. And I'm one of them!
-You can see my solutions <a href='https://gitlab.com/m-chrzan/aoc2020'>here</a>.
-I started out with C, moved on to Ruby, and near the end switched to Lua. I'm
-going to need some Lua knowledge for the Redis section of the databases class
-I'm taking right now, so AoC was a good time to get familiar with the language.
-<h3>Thoughts on AoC 2020</h3>
-I found most of the problems fairly simple, but it was fun to go through them
-all anyways.
-<h4>Most Tedious Award goes to...</h4>
-<i>Day 20 Part 2</i>. My solution ended up being a good 340 lines of Lua split
-between two scripts. This is the last problem I solved because I knew it would
-require a lot of work to get working, so I procrastinated on it until the end.
-In the end, the process of solving this was actually kind of fun, and getting
-the final solution satisfying. I think it might have something to do with the
-geometric/visual nature of the problem. There's just something nice about
-rotating and flipping ASCII squares with code, and seeing them all line up
-correctly in the end.
-<h4>Most Cheesed Award goes to...</h4>
-<i>Day 19 Part 2</i>. Rather than implementing a parser generator that could
-handle this grammar by hand, I bodged together a
-<a href='https://gitlab.com/m-chrzan/aoc2020/-/tree/master/19/b'>
- Bison (aka Yacc) solution
-</a>. It's not very pretty, especially the Bash script that just calls the
-parser with each input word separately and counts how many times it didn't exit
-with a syntax error. But it works! And I finally learned something about
-Bison/Yacc and Flex/Lex, which I've had indirect exposure to before, but never
-actually used.
-I was quite pleased with my Part 1 solution though, where I implemented a simple
-recursive parser generator.
-<h5>Runner-up in the Most Cheesed category</h5>
-<i>Day 13 Part 2</i>. I'll admit it, I just copied a Chinese Remainder Theorem
-implementation from Rosetta Code. I'm sure the Python guys just used
-<code>numpy</code>'s CRT, so treating it as a library function doesn't seem too
-cheaty for me.
-<h4>Most Fun Award goes to...</h4>
-Probably a tie between the already mentioned <i>Day 20 Part 2</i> and <i>Day 19
-Part 1</i>. Day 20 had that cool geometric component and satisfaction of
-putting a puzzle together, but I'm a sucker for recursive parsers implemented
-with higher order functions.
-<h3>Thoughts on Lua</h3>
-Learning Lua was probably the most useful outcome of this year's AoC for me. I
-feel pretty comfortable with the basic constructs of the language, and even
-played around a bit with metatable-driven OOP. I don't know how closely I stuck
-to general conventions, and didn't interact with any external libraries, but can
-definitely read and write the language comfortably now.
-My one sentence summary of feelings towards Lua is that Go is to Java what Lua
-is to Python/Ruby/JavaScript. Its very small vocabulary means you learn the
-language quickly and don't need to think much while writing it, but your
-programs can end up more verbose than the equivalent Ruby/Python.